Monday, 18 May 2015

Take Care Of A Pitbull Puppy

Since the beginning of the breed, the pit bull has been a high-strung, passionate, aggressive (when necessary), clingy, jealous, pack-affiliated animal. To take care one of these animals, you have to take all of those attributes into consideration.


1. Give the dog something to do. Pit bulls need to be active, and they need to flex that massive jaw muscle. Back in the days of its ancestors, that muscle allowed it to kill its prey better. Now, it's a nuisance (like our appendix). Take the dog for a walk at least two times a day, and give it enough toys to chew and rip apart. Play tug-of-war games, as well as hanging an old tire to a rope in the yard.

2. Do not let the dog walk in front of you. Have him walk by your side or slightly behind. Always walk out of the house in front of him, and always enter in front of him. When he doesn't do something you told him to do, tap his neck to indicate you know what he's doing, and that disobedience is not an option.

3. Take him everywhere. Pit bulls are too jealous to not understand that there are other people around who require their owner's attention. Take him to dog parks--a lot! Walk him in areas where you know he will encounter other dogs. Allow him to play with other dogs and people--just remember to reprimand him whenever he does something you don't want him to.

4. Feed the dog a hearty amount. A pit pull puppy will usually burn twice the calories that most people feed their dogs. Pit bull puppies will do what is called grazing: They will eat a small amount many times a day. Leave a bowl full of food out at all times. Pit bulls also need to drink lots and lots of water. Keep as much water for yours as you can.

5. Show the dog a lot of affection, and play with her with her toys. Pit bulls love people. They love hanging around us, lying on us and just being near us. They are pack dogs, and yours is your pack. Conduct yourself like the top dog, and the pit bull will fall in line.

Tags: other dogs, play with