Vietnamese potbellied pigs make affectionate pets, but you need to closely monitor their weight.
Miniature pigs make the best pet pigs. For one thing, their small size generally makes them easier to handle than larger pigs; for another, they are known to bond well with their humans. Miniature pigs are highly intelligent; you can house-train them, for instance. Most have docile temperaments, but some are highly alert and energetic.
Potbellied Miniature Pigs
The Vietnamese potbellied pig is one of the most popular dwarf swine breeds. They are favored for their docile temperaments, and you must handle them with care. Their large potbellies and swayed backs would be considered a sign of overfeeding in other breeds, but the features are characteristic of Vietnamese potbellies. They generally weigh between 50 lbs. and 100 lbs., and have an average height of 14 inches.
Tiny Miniature Pigs
African Guinea hogs are one of the smallest varieties of minature pigs, weighing between 20 lbs. and 40 lbs. They are straight-backed, alert, active pigs. Their height is between 14 inches and 22 inches. African Guinea hogs are renowned for bonding with humans; their high intelligence means they can easily respond to spoken commands and learn tricks.
Hairless Miniature Pigs
The Yucatan pig is a Mexican Hairless variety of miniature hog. Known for their docile temperaments and for being easy to handle, full-size Yucatans can weigh more than 200 lbs., while the miniature variety averages 50 lbs. to 100 lbs. and heights of 16 inches to 24 inches. They are characterized by their small size and their hairless appearance.
Even-Tempered Miniature Pigs
The Ossabaw Island pig is a miniature pig favored for its even temper. It is known to form strong relationships with humans. Ossabaw Island pigs weigh between 25 lbs. and 90 lbs., and have average height of 14 inches to 20 inches. Ossabaw Island pigs are long-lived pigs: They can live for 25 years or longer.
Tags: docile temperaments, inches inches, Miniature Pigs, Ossabaw Island, African Guinea