Do you need to raise money for a charitable cause? Why not hold a bingo night fund raiser? This is a great way to get people spending money for a worthy cause. Because they have a chance at winning money of their own, your fund raising efforts can be a great success.
1. Find a place to host your fund raising event. A good location is important for a bingo fund raiser. An ideal location will hold plenty of people, be comfortable, have the facilities you need for setup and for hosting your event. Another important consideration is to find some place that's affordable. Many banquet or recreation halls offer discounts for a charitable event and some venues will even host the event for free. Check with local churches and recreation centers who might be able to help host your event or make a recommendation.
2. Choose the prizes. Some bingo events operate on a flat fee structure but for fund raising success, you may want to consider either doing a 50/50 draw where half the proceeds go to prizes and the other half to the cause or you could have prizes instead of cash. A combination also works and can maximize the amount of money you are able to raise. You should canvas to local businesses who may offer prizes to use for honorable mention or advertising perks. If your event is a registered charity, you may also be able to offer a tax receipt to donors.
3. Rent and purchase equipment and supplies for the night. There are bingo supply or party supply stores that will sell raffle tickets, bingo cards, bingo supplies and rent bingo machines to help you make your event a success.
4. Ask for help. Trustworthy volunteers can help you get ready for the bingo night and help at the actual event with bingo calling, ticket sales, help with refreshments and help with your advertising efforts.
5. Advertise for your event. Place an ad in the local newspapers, hand out flyers, contact your local radio station to announce the event and tell people about the fund raiser. By sharing information about the cause you are raising money for, you can increase your attendance. People enjoy playing bingo and want to help with worthy causes.
Tags: your event, fund raiser, fund raising, help with, bingo night