Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Locate A Vet That Will Treat A Pet Monkey

Monkeys, like humans, have long life spans. They require good health care throughout their lives. So, you will need to locate a vet that will treat your pet monkey. Read on to learn more.


Locate a Pet Monkey Vet Online

1. Visit the "Monkey Maddness" website (see Resources below).

2. Click on the "Vets" link at the bottom of the page.

3. Select the state you reside in. Clicking on your state will bring up a list of veterinarians who treat pet monkeys.

4. Speak with each monkey vet in your area. You will have a long relationship with this doctor; so you should choose someone you like.

Get Referrals to Vets

5. Ask your breeder to recommend a good vet who will treat monkeys.

6. Join The Simian Society of America (see Resources below). Talk with other members in your area to locate the best vets.

Plan Your Monkey's First Vet Visit

7. Schedule an appointment prior to purchasing your pet monkey, when possible. You may be able to avoid costly vet bills down the road by having the monkey checked out first.

8. Ask the vet to check the monkey's weight, eyes, ears and mouth.

9. Talk with the vet about your monkey's behavior. Monkeys become more aggressive as they enter adolescence. However, behavior changes can also be a sign of an ill or unhappy pet.

10. Request that the vet run blood tests. Blood tests can reveal problems with your monkey's liver and kidney condition. Blood tests will also let you know if your monkey suffers from anemia.

11. Have the vet check your pet primate for tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a serious health threat, and is highly contagious.

12. Bring a sample of your monkey's droppings. Your vet will do a fecal concentration test to check for internal parasites.

13. Get a serological survey panel done. This test will determine where in the world your monkey comes from. This information is used to determine if your pet is at risk for Simian AIDS or other dangerous viruses.

Tags: your monkey, your monkey, Blood tests, have long, Resources below, Talk with