Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Florida Squirrel Types

The eastern gray squirrel is a common Floridian mammal.

Florida has four species of squirrels in its state. Three of the squirrels are tree squirrels--eastern gray, Mexican gray and fox--meaning they nest and seek refuge in trees. The other squirrel is the southern flying squirrel, which is known for its aerial maneuvering. Due to the state's consistent warm climates, squirrels in Florida are active year-round.

Eastern Gray Squirrel

The eastern gray squirrel, or Sciurus carolinensis, are native throughout the eastern United States, including Florida. This species is a medium-sized squirrel, growing to about 2 feet when mature. Eastern gray squirrels may be identified by their gray fur; both male and female squirrels have the same fur color patterns. These squirrels usually have two types of homes, a permanent den in a tree and a nest made of leaves near treetops. In Florida, eastern gray squirrels usually live in hardwood trees such as oak and walnuts.

Mexican Gray Squirrel

Native to Mexico and Central America, Mexican gray squirrels, or Sciurus aureogaster, have been introduced into Florida. These squirrels are similar in color to eastern gray squirrels -- grayish dorsal region -- but have reddish-orange fur on their bellies. Mexican gray squirrels' bodies grow up to 2 feet and have tails approximately 1 foot long. Papaya and coconuts are the primary dietary items for Mexican gray squirrels; however, this squirrel will also dine on acorns and nuts if necessary. Mexican gray squirrels usually have two dens: a permanent home den and a place to escape from predators.

Fox Squirrel

The largest squirrel in Florida -- and the entire Western Hemisphere -- is the fox squirrel, or Sciurus niger. When fully mature, fox squirrels reach lengths of 2.5 feet and their fox-like tail grows over 1 foot. As of May 2011, the fox squirrel is considered a threatened species in Florida due to urbanization and habitat fragmentation. The primary location in Florida to spot fox squirrels is in the Southwest region. The fur on top of the squirrel's head is black and the dorsal region is grayish. Fox squirrels live in pine and oak forests; however, these squirrels prefer open-space forests rather than dense forests.

Southern Flying Squirrel

Also known as Glaucomys volans, the southern flying squirrel is found throughout the forested regions of Florida. The dorsal region and head of southern flying squirrels have grayish fur, while this squirrel's belly is a cream or white color. Southern flying squirrels have loose folds of skin between their front and back legs. This skin fold allows them to glide when they jump off a tree branch. These squirrels may glide over 150 feet from tree to tree; southern flying squirrels are able to navigate while in mid-air. The tail of the southern flying squirrel is used as a braking mechanism when the squirrel is about to land.

Tags: gray squirrels, southern flying, Mexican gray, Mexican gray squirrels, dorsal region, flying squirrels, squirrels have