Thursday, 27 August 2015

Remove Cigarette Smoke Stains From Stuffed Animals

Stuffed animals can potentially fill many roles in your household, from a child's best friend to an important piece of a collection. Keeping these plush toys clean can present a bit of a challenge, as they usually don't do too well in water. Cigarette smoke travels through the air in your home and settles on any available surface. If someone has smoked around these soft toys, the stains and odor will linger. Use a few household items and a dose of caution to remove these ugly stains. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Dip a clean cloth in white vinegar.

2. Rub the stained area with the cloth to remove the stain. Gently wipe down the entire stuffed animal with the vinegar-soaked cloth to help kill off any odors and germs.

3. Set the stuffed animal outside to air out for several hours. Do not place it in direct sunlight, which could cause fading. If the weather refuses to cooperate, place the stuffed animal in the dryer on a low setting with a scented dryer sheet for 10 to 15 minutes.

4. Place the stuffed animal in a cool, dry place and sprinkle baking soda all over it to eliminate cigarette odors.

5. Allow the baking soda to sit on the stuffed animal overnight.

6. Brush away the baking soda in the morning.

Tags: stuffed animal, baking soda