Eliminating dog odors from your house is simple.
While dogs are a great addition to the family and often provide support to people who are lonely, dogs also can leave behind odors that can take over households. There are several methods of eliminating dog odors that will help make sure that your home is free of any foul smells.
1. Identify stained areas from accidents. Carpet spots that contain leftover stains from urine or defecation can cause lingering smells if they are not cleaned up properly. Be sure to thoroughly pat all stained areas with a wet paper towel. Apply a stain and odor eliminator. Most stain and odor eliminators require the chemicals to soak in for upwards of an hour. Directions are located on the back of the product.
2. Absorb odors. Odors emanating from dog beds and cages can cause an entire room to smell. Place odor absorbents next to areas of the house where odors originate from to trap the smell.
3. Spray fresheners around your house. Fresheners with scents such as citrus can replace musty or foul pet odors. Electronic plug-ins that intermittently release a spray of freshness also are a good choice.
4. Disinfect common germ areas. Areas where your dog sleeps, often lays or relaxes are prime spots for leftover odors and germs. Disinfect these areas daily with disinfectant spray.
5. Bathe and groom your dog regularly. Bathing and grooming your dog regularly removes the dirt, germs and odor residue that sticks to your dog's fur and skin.
Tags: odors that, stain odor, stained areas, your house, your regularly