Thursday, 26 February 2015

Be A Junior Handler For Dogs

Junior dog handlers train with their pets in order to compete in dog shows. The handler's tasks include preparing a dog for the ring, keeping the dog alert throughout the judging process and keeping the dog under control. The junior handler is judged on his presentation, rather than the animal.


1. Select a dog to handle. Most dog handlers begin training their dogs when they are puppies.

2. Allow you dog to become accustomed to being handled. Massage its muscles and touch its teeth, ears, paws and tail frequently.

3. Teach your dog walk on a leash. He should be able to walk next to you without any dragging or pulling.

4. Take your dog to places where it can safely get used to loud noises and commotion. Dog shows are usually loud and busy.

5. Train your dog to stand with all four legs directly underneath its body. You can also use whatever position will look best for judging.

6. Attend a training session with an adult handler or a junior handler conformation class. Be able to present your dog for an examination with a judge.

7. Enter your dog in a junior dog handling dog show. Depending upon the show, you may have to meet specific requirements like attending a certain training session.

8. Refer to the dog show's rule book for dress code and other important rules.

Tags: junior handler, training session