Adopted dogs can often have strong separation anxiety.
A dog you have recently adopted may have a hard time adjusting to his new surroundings and show signs of separation anxiety when you leave for work or even when you are not in his immediate vicinity. Dogs who are new to your home are often feeling unsettled or needy, and this can show itself through anxious behavior. There are many ways to treat separation anxiety in newly adopted dogs.
Using Departure Cues
When you notice your dog is getting anxious about you putting on your coat or getting your keys, there is a chance that he is attuned to your departure cues. These cues can work a dog into a state of strong anxiety, even if the departure is not extended. To calm your dog, go through your departure rituals the way you usually do. Put on your shoes and your coat, pick up your keys and your bag, but then do not leave. Repeat this several times before stepping outside the door and coming right back in. This tells your dog that you are leaving but that you will come back.
Before you get ready to leave your dog, take him out for a long run or have a long play session with him. One reason that many dogs get overexcited when their owners leave is due to an overabundance of energy. This can make them destructive and prone to howling. When you take them out for a run beforehand, you will be able to calm them and quiet them.
Reduce Over-Dependence
A dog who has strong separation anxiety when you leave may be one that has over-bonded to you. If possible, get other family members to bond and interact with the dog, especially if they are home more often. Having your dog interested in other people can alleviate his dependence on you and lessen his separation anxiety.
Order your dog to stay in a corner while you go out the door. Count to five and then come right back in the door, praising your dog and rewarding him for good behavior. He will come to associate your leaving with a task that he can do well. As separation anxiety seems to stem from worry and helplessness as much as anything else, this can help your dog control himself.
If you are leaving your dog alone for a full work day, consider asking someone to look in on him or take a walk with him during the middle of the day. This is something that can make a huge difference to the way that your dog behaves and to how secure he is.
Tags: separation anxiety, anxiety when, anxiety when leave, right back, separation anxiety when