Facebook is useful not only for staying in touch with friends -- and making new ones -- but also as a means of promoting your business and creative endeavors. Strategically grow your Facebook network and harness the power of social dialog among its members to spread your message to as wide an audience as possible. Take advantage of Facebook "Pages" and create a special page dedicated to the cause you need to promote to attract "Fans."
1. Add friends to your network on a regular basis, but don't go out of your way to add random strangers and friends of friends -- this has an unintentionally alienating affect. Consider Facebook "Suggestions" on a case-by-case basis and add individuals who seem personally compatible with you -- or whom you simply think would be interested in your cause -- as friends.
2. Create a page dedicated to your business or creative endeavor. Scroll down to the bottom of the main page and click "Create a Page." Click the category which best describes the nature of the page you wish to create -- "Local Business" and "Cause or Community" are two examples -- provide the information Facebook requests and click "Create Page." Add a profile description and photos to your page to make it attractive to potential "Fans."
3. Post news of your page's creation on your personal Facebook News Feed to encourage friends to "Like" it -- and encourage them to encourage their friends to do so. Someone need not be your friend to Like --and thus become a "Fan" -- of your Facebook page.
4. Attach links to external websites that further describe what you want to promote to status updates, both from your personal profile and your page. Click the "Link" button at the top of your profile or page, paste in a link to a website, image or video and click "Attach" to attach it to your status. Cross-post a status from both your personal profile and page to maximize its reach.
5. Promote your page to potential fans using Facebook ads. Click "Advertising" at the bottom of the Facebook page, then click the green "Create an Ad" button in the upper, right corner of the page to get started.
Tags: your page, your personal, business creative, click Create, click Create Page