Monday, 2 February 2015

Chat With Someone On Foopets

FooPets pets are virtual rather than fluffy, but you can chat about them with other users.

FooPets is an online game in which users look after virtual kittens, puppies and other pets. Just like their real-world equivalents, the virtual animals in FooPets get hungry, thirsty, enjoy playing with toys and need plenty of attention from their owners. Users can adopt up to 50 FooPets, and by playing the game, earn a monthly allowance of virtual currency points to spend on caring for the pets. Users can chat with each other online. To chat with another user on FooPets, you must both add each other to the "Favorite Friends" list.


1. Log in to your FooPets account.

2. Click on the "Friends" tab in the main menu. This displays a list of your FooPet friends.

3. Click the "Favorite" check box beside each friend that you want to add to your favorite list and chat with on FooPets.

4. Reload the Web page by clicking the "Refresh" button in the top navigation menu.

5. Click the chat button in the lower right corner of the page. You can now chat with any of your FooPet favorite friends while they are online and logged in to FooPets.

Tags: chat with, each other, your FooPet