Micro Piglet
If you're a lover of animals, you have probably heard of the latest craze in the United Kingdom -micro-piglets. These little pigs only grow between 14 and 16 inches tall. They are purposely bred to not grow very much, retaining their cuteness (they're usually a breed of Miniature Pot Bellied, Kune Kune, German Micro, Gloucester Old Spot and Tamworth). If you live in the UK, and would like to adopt a piglet, here's how you do it.
1. Find Out If You Qualify - UK's only specialist breeder of micro piglets has adoption requirements you must met before being considered. Some of the requirements include owning outside fenced space for the piglets to play even if you plan on having them inside as house pets, and your neighbors must be okay having a piglet next door. Also, people in flats will not be considered. Your local veterinarian must also have experience with piglets.
2. Contact the Breeder Upon Qualification - If you qualify for adoption, then you may contact the breeder, Little Pig Farm by visiting their official website. You will be required to obtain a holding number from the Rural Payments Agency before proceeding with adoption.
3. Buy Supplies for Your New Piglet - You'll want to get your pig a large bowl for water, as micro piglets need lots of it. Also, you will need to get your piglet a large box-like area for sleeping, with lots of dry straw in it.
Tags: Micro Piglet, micro piglets