One of the hotter new crazes to hit the internet is adopting a virtual baby that you can feed, burp, play with and buy toys for online.
Here are the following steps you need to take to adopt a virtual baby online.
1. Sign up at one of the following sites:,,, or (which is currently under construction).
2. Enter your email address
3. Choose the gender of your baby and name your baby
4. Make sure you log onto the site fairly often (each site is different). How often you take care of your virtual baby will often determine their future behavior. Be sure to feed them, change their diapers, buy them toys and play with them to keep them happy. A neglected virtual baby will be an unhappy virtual baby.
5. Some of the sites give you the option to put your baby on so your friends get to see your awesome cyberchild as well.
6. The site has fun accessories and outfits you can get for your virtual baby as well. They also have contests to vote for the cutest baby and competitions on who is the best simparent.
Tags: virtual baby, your baby, baby will, play with, virtual baby, virtual baby will