Thursday, 19 March 2015

Careers With An Animal & Veterinary Science Degree

A degree in Animal Science opens doors to many career choices.

A degree in animal science can open doors to career choices in the management and care of animals, particularly livestock and range animals. Animal physiology, nutrition and genetics are emphasized, along with research of maintainable ecosystems and habitats. The American Society of Animal Science states that there are over 500 varying job descriptions and titles that come under the umbrella of animal science.


A veterinarian is an animal doctor trained in diagnosing and treatment of disease of domestic pets, farm livestock and wild animals maintained by zoos, although they generally specialize in one particular area. An undergraduate degree in animal sciences is a model foundation for the four years it takes for a doctor of veterinary medicine. Vets must be licensed to practice and are subject to many of the same regulations as a doctor.

Animal Scientist

Animal scientists work in the field of domestic animals. Farm animals are studied with specific focus on breeding and genetics, growth and nutrition and crossbreeding. This profession works with crossbreeding to increase a particular trait such as the wool of sheep or a larger breed of animal for more meat. Parasite research and animal responses to housing and sanitation are the focus of some animal science investigation.

Farm Management

Farm managers oversee the care, feeding, health and breeding of livestock on farms. They work with the land owner to develop plans for future direction of the animals and their numbers. Farm managers can specialize in farm finance or animal care. They are often in charge of the complete operation of the farm in relation to the livestock. Experience in agricultural sciences can be an asset for those interested in farm management.

Wildlife Biology

Wildlife biologists study wildlife on government preserves and in the wild. They use technology and research to develop plans for re-population and species protection. Studying animals in their natural habitats allows a wildlife biologist the chance to apply this knowledge in an effort to aid preservation of these habitats before erosion and land development can alter them. Wildlife biologists are often employed by state and federal agencies.

Tags: animals their, career choices, degree animal, develop plans, Farm managers, Wildlife biologists