Thursday, 30 July 2015

Put Weight On My Rottweiler Puppy

The Rottweiler is a large dog breed known for having substantial bone and muscular bodies. As a result, Rottweiler puppies must be fed correctly in order for them to gain weight sufficiently. Large breed puppies grow quickly and require a substantial diet in order to meet their growth demands. A full grown Rottweiler can weigh between 85 and 130 pounds. It is important that a Rottweiler puppy is placed on a balanced, nutritional diet so that it will mature into a healthy and well-developed dog.


1. Schedule an appointment for the Rottweiler puppy to get an overall physical evaluation by a veterinarian. The veterinary clinic staff will weigh the puppy and perform a series of tests to check for worms or other health issues. It is important that the puppy receives all of the necessary treatments and shots to ensure that its health is maintained.

2. Write all of the necessary shot dates on the calendar in case the clinic does not call to remind the owner. The Puppy Dog Place website explains that a Rottweiler puppy will need shots at four different times before it reaches 16 weeks old. Maintaining the correct healthcare schedule will help the dog to keep its body weight and growth on track.

3. Purchase a reputable brand of puppy food and read the suggested amount of food according to the Rottweiler puppy's weight. The Pet Education website explains that the amount of dog food that should be fed can vary by brand, but the owner should follow the directions on the dog food bag. There are certain brands of dog food that make a special puppy formula for large breed dogs, so purchasing special food can be beneficial but is not mandatory for the Rottweiler puppy.

4. Feed the puppy three times a day for the first six months to help it to maintain the correct body weight. The Pet Education website explains that it is important for puppies to get plenty of exercise because it is possible for them to gain too much weight. As the puppy grows, increase the amount of food according to the instructions on the dog food bag.

5. Purchase heartworm prevention medication from the veterinarian to ensure that the Rottweiler puppy is protected from the harmful parasite. Also, purchase flea and tick control products in order to protect the puppy from diseases that are spread by fleas and ticks. Only buy products that are specifically made for puppies because using adult medication or products could harm the Rottweiler puppy.

Tags: Rottweiler puppy, amount food, explains that, that Rottweiler, that Rottweiler puppy