Thursday, 30 October 2014

Project Management For The Construction Industry

Construction project managers have to coordinate their crew.

Project management for the construction industry demands professionals with reliable competence in the fields of engineering, finance and building trades. Well-developed communication skills are a necessity to effectively organize workers and inform customers.


Project management must accommodate the customer, who wants her wishes within a budget within a particular timeframe. Communication systems orchestrated by the project manager keep the customer informed about all changes and delays whenever they occur throughout the building process.


Organizing the workforce and balancing their requirements with the available products and delivery times given by suppliers is the project manager's obligation. He must define responsibilities and ensure the quality of the finished product within the deadline.


Project managers must consider codes of practice and legal restrictions during the management of a building site and while interacting with the people involved in the project. Apart from federal or governmental building regulations, health and safety inductions, risk assessments and the deference to wage laws and contractual obligations also place demands on construction management.

Tags: Project management, project manager