Friday, 17 October 2014

How Big Can A Shih Tzu/Poodle Puppy Get

Shih tzu/poodle mixes have become quite popular as a designer breed of dog. The hypoallergenic qualities of the poodle combined with the calm, sweet-natured disposition of the shih tzu make this new breed a remarkable companion animal for just about everyone.


Many factors weigh in when trying to determine the adult size of a poodle, especially the size of the parents, the breed standards and the pecking order of the litter, among other considerations.


Parental size has more to do with how large the offspring will be than any other factor. Genetics is the one indicator that cannot be altered. Many dogs may be significantly larger or smaller than the breed standards depending on the size of the parents. A simple explanation of how genetics work will illustrate this topic.

Each cell in the dog's body has two strands of DNA. One strand is donated by the father and the other strand is donated by the mother. Every characteristic of the puppy in question is represented by one gene on each strand of DNA. Each gene will have either a dominant or recessive trait coded into it.

The puppy will take on the physical characteristics of whichever parent is holding the dominant gene for size. Therefore, the puppy's adult size will resemble one of its parents. The only variable to this is if both parents are carriers of a recessive size gene and that combination ends up in the puppy. If that is the case, the puppy will most likely not look like either parent, but more like a previous generation. The good news is that the odds of this combination occurring are rare and the exception rather than the rule.

Breed Standards

Another good indicator of size is the breed standard. All purebred dogs have a breed standard that most owners can use when it comes to anticipating characteristics such as size and temperament. The standard is only a guide, though, and can only be used to gain an overall picture of how large the adult will be. Dogs, like humans, are individuals, and physical characteristics can vary widely from the standard, especially if breeding occurs indiscriminately. The other factor is that the shih tzu/poodle cross is not a purebred dog and no breed standard exists, though you can get a pretty good idea of where the puppy should end up by reviewing the standards for both breeds. A shih tzu will usually weigh in the neighborhood of 10 to 16 lbs. when fully grown, and the poodle comes in slightly smaller. It's probably a pretty good bet that the cross will be somewhere around 12 to 15 lbs.


Lastly, nutrition at infancy will be a strong indicator of how large the pup will grow. Larger, more aggressive puppies will usually receive more of the mother's milk and will grow larger and more quickly because of it. Weaker pups will not grow as large because they will not have received as much nutritional support.

Average Size

Taking into account the breed standards for shih tzus and poodles, and assuming the parents are of average size and build, the average shih tzu/poodle cross should weigh between 10 and 20 lbs, making it the ideal size for most households.

Tags: breed standard, will grow, adult size, breed standards, other factor