Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Requirements For A Service Dog

Service dogs are used by persons with disabilities to help them maintain normal lifestyles. While there are no legal requirements for a service dog, there are a few general recommendations that need to be considered.


Service dogs must be trainable to assist people as needed. To do this, the dog must show a high intelligence to learn the required skills.


Service dogs must be obedient enough to follow their masters' directions. Dogs that are easily distracted or ignore a command will not be helpful service dogs.


Owners of service dogs must be assured that their dog will not be easily provoked or overly aggressive. Service dogs must have the ability to remain calm.


Having a non-protective dog is a requirement for service dogs because the master must be able to control the dog in public places. Over-protective dogs can be difficult in public areas where they are trying more to protect than aid their master.


Good health is an important requirement for a service dog. That recommendation can eliminate certain breeds that are susceptible to breed-specific illness. A health history and prognosis for future healthy life is required for a dog to become a service dog.


There is no national certification requirement for a service dog. Some organizations that will train the dog and and its master include Service Dogs of America.

Tags: dogs must, requirement service, Service dogs, Service dogs must, service dogs