Noah's Ark is one of the most popular themes for a baby shower or a nursery. Give the mom-to-be in your life a Noah's Ark themed gift to pamper and spoil her little one. Noah's Ark themed gifts can include actual Noah figures, things with passages from the Bible about the journey or animal-themed items. A Noah's Ark themed gift is a great choice for twins to play on the two-by-two concept.
Plush Animals
Create a stuffed animal collection for the child by getting or making stuffed toys of the animals on the ark. Get one of each or pairs of animals so they can walk side by side. Make finger puppets of each animal so the parents can read aloud the story of Noah's Ark and act it out with the finger puppets.
Baby Einstein Noah Collection
Baby Einstein has a complete line of Noah's Ark products. Put together a gift basket filled with a few of these items. A DVD movie, CD of music, touch and feel discovery cards, board books and several toys are available. Mix Baby Einstein products with other brands and give the child a toy ark with plastic animals or a floating ark with animal squirt toys for bath time.
Linens and Room Decor
There are several bedding collections with Noah Ark inspired prints to choose from. Give the new baby a set of Noah's Ark sheets, a bumper or curtains. Sew a homemade quilt or floor blanket out of Noah's Ark print fabric for baby to play on.
Baby's First Bible
Give the baby her first Bible. Make or buy a Noah's Ark bookmark and place it in the Bible at the story of Noah. The baby's caretakers can read her passages from the Bible each night and teach her all about Noah's Ark. There are versions of the Bible available that have been edited for a younger audience as well as full versions with child-friendly illustrations.
Tags: Baby Einstein, Noah themed, finger puppets, from Bible, Give baby