Get McNulty the Undercover YapYap on "Moshi Monsters" and enjoy this rare Moshling. This puppy Moshling from Sherlock Nook near Waggytail Hollow specializes in investigations. It can even disguise itself, although it never disguises its tiny, wagging tail. Since McNulty is an uncommon moshling, you will have to know the right combination of Moshling seeds to plant in your Moshling Garden.
1. Sign up for paid membership. You cannot buy all of the seeds you need to get McNulty unless you have access to Monstro City. Only paid members can access Monstro City's seeds.
2. Log into your "Moshi Monster" account. Click on the door on the main menu and click on Main Street.
3. Click on Moshling Seeds and purchase a star blossom in purple. The seed costs 15 Rox.
4. Click on the door in the main menu and then click on the map button above the image of the treasure chest. Click on the Port.
5. Click on the Super Seeds store and purchase two colors of snap apple seeds. Each seed costs 15 Rox.
6. Click on the door on the main menu and click on the Moshling Garden. Click on the bag in the lower-right corner of the screen. Plant the purple star blossom and two different snap apple seeds. To do so, drag each seed from the bottom of the screen to one of the three mounds of dirt at the middle of the screen, one at a time. Close the planting screen by clicking on the seed bag again.
7. Log out of the game and check in with your Moshling seeds ten or more hours later. Enter the Moshling Garden again.
8. Right-click on McNulty, who should now be in your garden, and select "Keep it."
Tags: Click door, Click door main, door main, door main menu, main menu, Moshling Garden