Police officers have a job to serve and protect their fellow citizens. Their job can often be dangerous. There is one way you can show your support for your fellow police officers. You can give them a donation. Unfortunately, there are crooks out there that will say they are from the police association just to scam you out of your money. It is important that you donate to the police association in a way that will allow you to know your money is definitely going to the correct place.
1. Ask the individual calling some some questions. Start by asking how much of the money that you donate will actually go to help the police and their programs. Some associations legally accept your money and then only give the police a small portion of it. You will also want to ask what programs the money will be going to, and who will benefit from the money.
2. Get a flyer or pamphlet from the police association in question. If the association is legit, they will be able to provide this for you. You will also want to take the associations full name and type it in to the BBB website (see resources). If it is a scam company, and someone reported it, it will show up in the BBB report.
3. Hang up and call your local police station. Get the name and number of their local police association and compare it to the name and number you were given over the phone. If they are the same, you are talking to legit association. If not, do not give them a dime.
4. Make your donation by writing a check to the police association. Most scam artists are looking for cash. If you do not want to give the check to the person who is calling you, or visiting your house, mail it to the address you received from the police station.
5. Get a receipt to use as a tax deduction.
Tags: police association, from police, your money, also want, from police association