Friday, 19 September 2014

Organizations That Help Children After Natural Disasters

Many organizations provide help to children after natural disasters.

Natural disasters are a tragedy for everyone involved. Even so, children are especially affected by these situations because they are unable to take care of themselves. Many organizations are there to step in and help children after a natural disaster if the parents are unable for whatever reason.


The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, or UNICEF, began helping children after World War II. Although UNICEF does not just focus on disaster relief for children, it had had a large presence in Haiti after the earthquake of January 2010. UNICEF also focuses on reforming children's education in more impoverished countries and protecting children from violence and abuse. UNICEF also campaigns for HIV/AIDS awareness with its "Unite for children, unite against AIDS" program.

Save the Children

Save the Children had programs in place long before the earthquake struck in Haiti, providing food and shelter for children without homes who roamed the streets of the country's capital, Port-Au-Prince. The organization raises funds to reduce child hunger around the world.


FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is the government body responsible for responding to disasters within the United States. Apart from directly helping people after a disaster occurs, the FEMA website also has information specifically related to helping children during an emergency. FEMA was officially made the main emergency agency in the United States in 1979 under President Jimmy Carter. After Sept. 11, 2001 FEMA began to put some focus on homeland security as well as preparedness for natural disasters.

Other Resources

The American Academy of Pediatrics has a large index of articles related to helping children cope with the trauma of a natural disaster. Many of these articles are directed toward other pediatricians, but many are suitable for family use. The National Association of School Psychologists also has information for parents and teachers for keeping children calm during a natural disaster.

Tags: children after, helping children, natural disaster, after natural, also information