Identify a Bull Terrier
There are two types of Bull Terrier: white and colored. The standard for the colored Bull Terrier is the same for the white Bull Terrier, except the dog may be any color other than white. The colored Bull Terrier may also be any other color with white markings. The preferred color is brindle. Neither the white or colored Bull Terrier should have blue eyes. The Bull Terrier is a muscular breed and has an intelligent expression and a sweet disposition.
1. Look at the head area. The long head should be strong and deep. The face is oval in the outline and should not show hollows or indentations. The forehead is flat from ear to ear. The small ears are thin and are placed close together. The should be able to stand straight up. The well-sunken eyes should be very dark and set close together and high on the dog’s head. The nose is black and bends down at the tip.
2. Check that the neck is muscular and long. It should arch and taper from the shoulders to the head. There should be no loose skin. The chest is broad when viewed from the front and is very deep from the withers to the brisket. It is closer to the ground than the belly. The breed is a well-rounded breed and a short, strong back. There is a pronounced backward slope from the bottom edge of the blade to the top edge. There should be no dip at the withers.
3. Look at the fore and hindquarters of this breed. The legs should be big-boned. The forelegs are moderate in length and the elbows do not turn in or out. The hind legs are parallel if viewed from behind, and have muscular thighs. The feet are round and compact, and the toes arch in a cat-like manner. The short tail should be fine and carried horizontally. It is thick at the body, but tapers to a fine point.
4. Feel the short, harsh coat. The coat should be flat and have a fine gloss. The skin should be tight. On white dogs, markings may be seen on the head, but there should be no other markings. This breed may have skin pigmentation.
Tags: Bull Terrier, colored Bull, colored Bull Terrier, white colored, close together