Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Clear Scores In Ds Games

Clear Scores in DS Games

Scoring systems in games originated in arcade style games, where boasting a high score was considered the elite of gamers. Nowadays, scoring systems in games seems outdated and not needed, but still some games boast high scores and scoring systems. While most users want to ensure there high scores remain intact, there are certain times when clearing scores on a DS game is necessary. Whether it's clearing data in a used game, or just giving yourself a fresh start on making your score the highest, clearing scores in most DS games is fairly easy.


1. Put cartridge in your DS and power up the system. Read the health warning, then start up the game you wish to clear.

2. Find the erase data feature on your game. On most DS games, if you wish to clear the scores on the game, it will be within the "Options." The option to clear scores will either be labeled as "Clear Scores," "Clear Data," or "Erase Data."

3. Select the "Erase Data" option. Once you click the "Erase Data" button, the game will prompt you with a confirmation of your decision. Once you confirm your decision, the data will be lost for good and cannot be recovered. Make sure you truly wish to clear the game of all scores before proceeding.

Tags: Clear Scores, Erase Data, wish clear, clear scores, Clear Scores Games, clearing scores