Dog anxiety is a condition that needs treatment.
Dog anxiety is a condition that may worsen over time if not dealt with, making life stressful for both canine and owner. New surroundings commonly induce canine anxiety.
The website Vet Info recommends establishing baseline, normal behavior for dogs when they are calm before evaluating possible anxiety symptoms. Excessive or unusual barking, difficulty calming down, hiding, seeking comfort from owners, panting, yawning, licking, pawing, shaking, running and jumping are all signs of anxiety when they are out of context, or out of proportion to normal behaviors.
New Surroundings
New surroundings can induce canine anxiety. New surroundings to a dog can include something as dramatic as moving homes, to something as subtle as changing crates. The absence of familiar people and animals can also alter a dog's environment enough to induce distress.
Treatment options vary, depending on the severity and frequency of the anxiety. Temporary situations may simply require extra comforting for the dog. Behavior modification, medications, homeopathic treatments, herbs, pheromone diffusers and aromatherapy are all options for more long-term issues, according to Vet Info.
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