Ensure all bedding materials are thoroughly clean before donation.
Donating bedding materials, such as blankets, comforters or sheets, can be a very rewarding experience. Many people go without the proper bedding materials needed to stay warm. Donating your unwanted bedding materials, through a reputable nonprofit charity or organization, is essential if you want to bring joy and warmth to a low-income, needy individual or family.
1. Locate a reputable charity or organization that readily accepts bedding donations. Homeless shelters and animal shelters are usually always in need of clean bedding materials, so check with those organizations first. You can find a charity organization in your area that accepts bedding materials by conducting a quick or advanced search on the official Charity Navigator website.
2. Gather all bedding materials you're willing to donate and remove any items that contain holes or are damaged beyond repair. Most charity organizations will not accept damaged or soiled bedding materials.
3. Clean all bedding materials and fold them in neat piles and set aside. You can clean the bedding by running the items through a washing machine and dryer. Many charity or nonprofit organizations will not accept bedding unless it has been thoroughly cleaned.
4. Place the clean bedding in secure plastic bags. Tie the bags tightly to prevent the bedding materials from spilling out and becoming soiled.
5. Deliver the bedding to the charity organization's official address or drop the materials off at a donation bin. Check ahead of time with the organization to determine its exact hours of operation and when it is willing to accept donations.
Tags: bedding materials, charity organization, accepts bedding, clean bedding, organizations will