Thursday 19 November 2015

Find A Foster Parent For My Cat

Finding a foster home for Fluffy doesn't need to be difficult.

Giving up a family cat for any reason can be a difficult thing to do. Few people willingly part with their pet, sending them off to an animal shelter, not knowing what its destiny may be. There are many organizations that will help you find a foster home for your pet until a permanent home can be obtained. These organizations are often able to find a foster home for your cat quickly and easily.


1. Find a local rescue organization that helps find foster homes for cats. Most towns have an organization or group such as the Humane Society that will help you find a home for your cat. Explain to the Humane Society the type of home you are looking for. If the foster home is only temporary, it is imperative to let the group know beforehand so families will not look into adopting your pet. These groups can be found through your local animal shelter.

2. Compose an email that includes a picture of your cat along with a description of your cat's characteristics and traits. Be sure to include your cat's age and all immunization the cat has had. Send this email to friends and family members, letting them know you are looking for a temporary foster home for your cat. Ask them to pass it along to people they may know who would be willing to care for your cat.

3. Ask you vet whether you can post a flier in her office seeking a foster home. If your vet agrees, create a poster with all your cat's information (as you did in your e-mail), include a photo of your cat and explain that you are looking for a foster home. Create pull-off tabs at the bottom of the flier with your name and contact information. Ask the vet to hang it in the waiting room, if possible.

Tags: foster home, home your, foster home your, find foster, animal shelter