Tuesday 10 November 2015

Promote Posts On Facebook Pages

Facebook "Pages" allow creators to generate publicity for and interest in their professional and creative projects, just as a personal Facebook profiles facilitates online socialization. If you own a Facebook Page, making posts to its wall is only the first step in promotion. Promote posts you make elsewhere on Facebook to maximize their potential impact.


1. Visit the Facebook Page and scroll down to the post you want to share. Click the "Share" button located below and to the right of the post.

2. Hover your mouse over the "Share" pane and click the drop-drop menu to choose how you want to share the information. For example, click "On Your Wall" to post the item to your personal Facebook "News Feed," or "On a Friend's Wall" or "In a Private Message" to send it to a specific friend.

3. Type any message you'd like to include to explain to people who see the shared post why they should be interested. Click the "Share Link" button to share the content with others.

Tags: Click Share, Facebook Page, Facebook Pages, personal Facebook, want share