If you're seeking an entertaining, no-pressure game for the Nintendo DS, look no further than Animal Crossing. It's easy to play the simulated reality-type game, but your real-time quest for a bigger house, a perfect town and items galore will keep you glued to the DS as you master the game.
1. Master the playing instructions found in your Animal Crossing Wild World instruction booklet so you'll be able to move onto more advanced game play. Grow accustomed to daily town life and basic controls for running, pulling weeds, talking to animals, buying and selling goods, writing letters and planting flowers, for example.
2. Build the biggest house by continuously earning enough bells to pay off your latest mortgage to Tom Nook. After six expansions, you'll make your way up to a mansion featuring five rooms plus the save room.
3. Spend enough bells in Tom Nook's shop and have another player visit your town to purchase one item to expand the store. You'll make your way from Nook's Cranny to Nook 'n Go to Nookway to the store's largest incarnation, Nookingtons (complete with a second floor and Harriet's beauty parlor).
4. Customize your town tune (by talking to Pelly or Phyllis in the Town Hall), town flag (by talking to Booker at the Town Gate) and clothing (by talking to Mabel in the Tailor's Shop).
5. Create a town filled only with the animals you like. Keep your favorites by talking them out of moving and get rid of the others with a hasty "goodbye" when they discuss leaving.
6. Fill the Fossil, Bug, Fish and Art exhibits in the Museum. You must dig up fossils (three appear in your town each day) and have them appraised by Blathers before donating them to the museum. Catch, find, purchase or receive the other items as gifts and donate them to the museum as well.
7. Complete your catalog. Simply pick up a piece of furniture or clothing, for example, to add it to your store catalog. You can then order the items through Tom Nook. Be aware though, that you can't purchase specialty items (like the Snowman furniture series) even if they appear in your catalog.
8. Obtain the golden tools like the slingshot, fishing rod and bug catching net. Each is a reward for reaching a specific goal (such as shooting down 15 presents with a regular slingshot or catching one of every fish and bug in the game) and will make working with those tools easier. The golden slingshot, for instance, shoots three rocks instead of one.
9. Earn a perfect town rating by keeping it clean and having plenty of flowers, 8 villagers and the correct number, location and spacing of trees. You won't be told the exact number, but ask Pelly or Phyllis in the Town Hall about the "Environment" to determine if trees need to be added or removed. You'll need to experiment by planting or removing trees in different areas and asking again until they tell you the town is perfect.
Tags: Animal Crossing, your town, appear your, enough bells, make your