Monday, 21 December 2015

Feed Sea Monkeys

Feeding sea monkeys is a simple task. There are no complicated preparation methods. There aren’t even colorful flakes to spread over the water of the tank on a daily basis like with fish. You only need to put food in their aquarium once a week. Talk about low maintenance!


1. Feed your sea monkeys five days after they hatch. The little guys are born with enough food to get them through their first days.

2. Scoop out sea monkey growth food with the tiny end of the spoon provided in your sea monkey kit. Make sure the food is level with the edges of the spoon–a heaping spoonful will result in overfeeding.

3. Provide food for your tiny pets every eight days. Leave a sticky note on the package with the date to remember when you last fed your sea monkeys.

4. Change up your sea monkey meals. You could alternate feeding them growth food and super food. You could also lavish them with some banana treat dessert every so often.

5. Buy additional food packets on-line. The small sea monkey growth food package should last for an entire year. Single packages of food are available through the official sea monkey website or on a number of other sea monkey related sites.

Tags: growth food, monkey growth, monkey growth food, your monkey, your monkeys