In a world where animals are often exploited and mistreated, it is very important that people become dedicated to providing a voice for the voiceless. You can help promote kindness to animals in so many ways in the choices you make on a daily basis. Here are some great options for doing just that.
1. Volunteer at a local animal-welfare organization. Most cities have a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, and most have a pound. There are often horse-welfare organizations as well. Volunteer to work with the animals that you love the most, and your passion to protect and help them will become magnified.
2. Stop eating meat. It's important that you are not consuming the animals that you want to protect. Going vegetarian is one of the kindest choices you can make, and it sets a solid example of animal-rights activism and responsibility.
3. Refrain from buying fur. Animals killed for fur are abused and murdered in truly horrific ways. By not allowing any fur into your wardrobe, you are sending a strong message to the manufacturers. Promoting kindness to animals in this way is highly important.
4. Stop dissection in your local schools. You can write to school officials, the school board and even individual teachers who may have some power in offering alternatives. If you are a student, stand up for your rights. You should not have to participate in animal cruelty to obtain a great grade or excel in your education. If all else fails, call PETA. They will help you in your quest to end dissection. Their website link is listed under Resources.
5. Educate yourself in all aspects of animal welfare and animal rights. Devise your own stance. You might not think it is wrong to eat meat, but you may think it is very wrong to murder animals for fur. You may want to take on the position of protecting wildlife; then again, maybe you'd prefer to advocate for kinder treatment of farm animals. It's all up to you, and you will be of the best use to the organizations and animals you truly care about.
6. Inform others. This part is tricky. You do not want to preach. Under no circumstances (except if you witness genuine cruelty to animals) should you confront someone. Acting high and mighty will discourage potentially interested parties from supporting animal rights. Simply inform others when they ask about your beliefs .
Tags: animal rights, animals that, choices make, cruelty animals, important that, kindness animals