Started as just an email address list, and a hobby of Craig Newmark in 1995, has grown to dominate the online classified ads market by remaining totally free.
Craigslist is taking the web by storm.
It's, not .com
CEO Jim Buckmaster still has, instead of a .com, reportedly to reflect the site's non-commercial, non-corporate persona online.
Craigslist is a business
In spite of the .org designation, Craigslist is a for-profit business. This is evidenced by the advertising seen on the site.
Craigslist is the world's largest online classified site enjoys 2 billion page views per month, with approximately 8 million of them unique, per month. The site carroes 50 million classified ads and about 1 million new forum postings each month.
Craigslist watches their activity closely.
The most popular categories on Craigslist are as follows: 1) Jobs, 2) Housing, 3) For sale, 4) Personals and 5) Forum postings The country with the most users is the United States.
Craigslist forums are on the rise.
At present there are 120 million forum postings across 11 topical discussions. Those discussions are in English, French, German, Italian, Portugese and Spanish.
Tags: forum postings, million forum, million forum postings, online classified, site Craigslist