Taking care of a pregnant rabbit is a relatively easy process.
Rabbits can have babies in as little as four weeks after getting pregnant, usually 35 days at most, so you have to be ready for the litter to come. Rabbits make amazing pets, but you need to treat a pregnant doe with kindness and respect before and after it delivers.
1. Keep the buck away from the doe during the pregnancy and especially after the pregnancy. The doe can accidentally kill her babies in an attempt to protect them from the buck.
2. Keep the area warm--around 72 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal.
3. Keep the food dish and water dish full. The doe will eat as much as she needs.
4. Keep the doe's area clean at all times. You do not want the babies to catch any diseases from germs after they are born.
5. Set up a nest box by at least day 28 of conception if not before. Make it sure that it is big enough for the doe to get in and out with no trouble. Line it with grass or hay.
Tags: Keep area