Whatever your interest, you can gain more group members by doing some creative advertising on your website.
For business owners and professionals, Facebook groups are one way to serve customers and provide a more in-depth conversation that is not open to all your friends on Facebook. If you're looking for more ways to promote your Facebook group -- beyond inviting the Facebook friends you already have to join in -- there are ways to promote the group on your website. This requires a bit of creativity and some savvy with the way your website operates. Keep in mind though that since a Facebook group does not have the same functionality as a Facebook page, how you can promote it is somewhat limited.
Within your content
1. Navigate to the Home page for your Facebook group. Copy the URL for the group as it appears from the page.
2. Mention your Facebook group in any blog posts, articles or pages on your website. For example, you could say something like "The Facebook dog group I belong to does this every Friday."
3. Place a hyperlink in the text where you mention the group. Highlight the words "Facebook dog group," click the hyperlink button from the page's menu and paste in the URL you copied in the previous step into the "URL to link" box. Then people can navigate directly to your group's page from your blog post, article or page text.
Tags: Facebook group, your website, your Facebook, your Facebook group, from page, ways promote