Thursday, 3 September 2015

Develop Educational Programs For 14 To 21yearold Girls

Develop an educational program for girls aged 14 to 21.

Making changes to an existing educational program or creating a new one requires dedication and hard work. Organizations that cater to the education of teen girls and young women can develop a community-based program that meets the needs of those youth in their immediate area. Your program can be designed to address the needs of this special targeted group as they evolve into competent and active members of their communities.


1. Decide what type of educational program your organization would like to offer 14- to 21-year-old females in your area. Brainstorm to formulate ideas for age and gender-based programs. Consider the needs, problems, goals and topics of interest for this group. Some examples might include unwanted pregnancies, STDs, underage drinking or driving under the influence, other health-related topics, vocational skills, job preparation or Internet safety.

2. Modify or tweak an existing program as an alternative. You may already have a good program or program idea that could be updated and expanded that would meet the current needs for this group. You could conduct a survey to ascertain their interests or provide a questionnaire to be completed anonymously. This will aid you in fine-tuning an existing educational program; just be sure to include cutting-edge content in your format and delivery methods. Remember, no matter how good your program is, there are always opportunities to make it better.

3. Recruit instructors. If there are budget restraints, solicit volunteers and develop and use criteria for instructor selection. For an effective program, select instructors who know or are willing to learn and use appropriate instructional strategies for this targeted audience. Reach out to the community to bring in local talent. If there will be more than one speaker for a program, coordinate what will be covered.

4. Consider linking with other community-based organizations who are already operating successful programs that your organization has an interest in and can support. You do not necessarily have to "reinvent the wheel." There are already many youth-related programs that you could easily incorporate into your new project.

Tags: educational program, existing educational, existing educational program, needs this, programs that, that could, this group