Thursday, 24 September 2015

Help The Homeless

Homelessness is a very real and misunderstood situation that affects over one million Americans. Some view homelessness as a natural consequence of laziness or a lack of motivation. However, homelessness often stems from job loss, mental illness, domestic violence or teenagers running away from home. Fortunately, there are ways to help.


1. Donate items for the homeless. Set aside used clothing and toys next time you clean out the closet. Other donations, such as food and cash, can also be taken to a homeless shelter.

2. Work at a shelter. You can help feed the homeless year-round. Even people with very busy schedules can volunteer whenever it's possible.

3. Volunteer your time with other organizations that offer aid to the homeless. Check with your local Salvation Army to find ways you can help. The little bit of kindness you give, will be remembered for a long time.

4. Use your talents to help others. Lawyers can provide free legal help. Medical and dental services can be offered to the homeless at no cost by doctors and dentists. If you are a teacher, you can offer tutoring.

5. Educate others. Whether you're letting others know about a shelter, what they can do to help, or responding when an uninformed person makes an incorrect and insensitive comment, your knowledge can go a long way in convincing others to help.

Tags: ways help