A procedural manual puts the company policies in black and white.
You can create a standard operating procedure to set a uniform code of response to any foreseen situation. Standard operating procedure, or SOP, is a term used to describe a series of actions sanctioned by an authoritative body. Manuals of standard operating procedures increase policy compliance by providing training materials and an on-site reference guide. Research each situation fully to create a standard operating procedure that reduces overall risk while increasing customer loyalty and employee satisfaction.
1. Write down the situation for which you are creating a standard operating procedure response. Include specific details and any variations on the situation you intend to cover in the SOP.
2. Interview company authorities about how they want this specific situation to be handled at each level of the operation. Take detailed notes and ask questions about any areas of the standard operating procedures as they are described to you. Insert personal thoughts and opinions into the conversation on the matter according to your personal level of comfort with the authority figure in question.
3. Create a multi-faceted standard operating procedure based on the interview with management. Include specific information on reporting responsibilities and chain of command in this basic procedural report. Draft an easily understandable flowchart that spells out the purposed plan of action.
4. Discuss the proposed standard operating procedure with some or all of the people it will effect to solicit their insight on the matter. Take notes so they know you are listening and be sure to record any ideas you feel may improve the policy.
5. Type and print out a rough draft of the step-by-step standard operating procedure that reflects everything you have learned from the research. Present the guide to the establishment for approval with the explanation that it is a rough draft and you would appreciate help with revisions.
6. Collect the revised versions of the SOP. Review remarks and make the appropriate changes to the standard operating procedure so the next draft will be acceptable.
7. Run the final draft of the standard operating procedure by the management before printing copies for those governed by the policy. Send an e-mail regarding the new SOP and ask that it is read.
Tags: standard operating, operating procedure, standard operating procedure, create standard operating, Include specific, operating procedure, operating procedure that