Monday, 28 September 2015

The Best Dogs For Apartments

The Best Dogs for Apartments

If you are living in the confines of an apartment it really is not fair to expect a dog the size of a St. Bernard or a breed that craves the outdoors like a Border Collie to share your space with you. Certain breeds work much better within an apartment setting than others. The ideal breeds for apartment living are those that require little daily exercise, do not bark or make a lot of noise, can stand being by themselves and don't make big messes for you to clean up when you return home.

Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise is a perfect breed for those who live in apartments. The animal was actually bred for the purpose of being a companion for its owners. This dog will require very little exercise and even in a modestly sized unit you can usually meet that requirement through aggressive play. It loves to sit next to you and gets along well with kids and other pets. The only downside to the Bichon Frise is that it needs to be closely groomed because of its thick coat.

Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier is a good dog for apartment dwellers, especially those with larger units because it can reach up to 25 lbs. This breed not only doesn't need to be exercised often, but really shouldn't because it is prone to heatstroke. They usually get the exercise they need in a short burst of activity that ends with their jumping up on the furniture next to you to take a long nap.

Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is also built for apartment living. These little guys don't make it much past 5 lbs. and smaller ones can weigh as little as 3 lbs. when fully grown. Although they are prone to barking which might cause problems with your neighbors, this facet of their personalities also makes them fantastic watchdogs, so if a neighbor complains let them know that your dog has the capacity to scare off unwanted intruders.


The Pomeranian is also prone to barking, but can be trained to suppress that part of its personality if you are afraid of irritating the people next door. This dog gets along well with other dogs and even can make friends with cats. They require only a moderate amount of exercise. The worst thing about keeping a Pomeranian is that come shedding time you will find excessive amounts of fur around the apartment. Other than that, however, this breed is a great choice for apartment dwellers.

Tags: Bichon Frise, along well, along well with, apartment dwellers, apartment living