Adopt a Child Through The State
You're ready to take the plunge and adopt a child. After looking at the options, state adoption of a child from foster care seems to be the best option for you. You may wonder, though, start and find the right child for your family.
1. Contact your state Department of Family Services and inquire about adoption. Ask about the first steps, information meetings, etc.
2. In some states, adoption is privatized and you will go through a local non-profit to complete your classes, homestudy and other requirements. In other states you will work directly with the local DFS office. Find out which one applies to your area.
3. Attend an information meeting if one is offered and then register for classes. These classes are to help prepare you for the special challenges that are common in children who have been in state care. You will learn parenting techniques, behavior management and other valuable tools. It's also a great opportunity to ask any questions you have and to meet other pre-adoptive parents.
4. While you are completing your classes you can begin to gather the paperwork for your homestudy. The documents needed include information for background checks, copies of birth and marriage certificates, physician's reports and other items. One your classes are completed and your paperwork turned in, you are ready for your homestudy.
5. Prepare your home according to the guidelines in your state. You will be provided a list of requirements for your home and changes that you may need to make. These are things that will make sure your home is safe for your future child.
6. Have a social worker come for your homestudy visit. The social worker will ask you questions about your family, your lifestyle, your reasons for wanting to adopt, your perspectives on parenting and other questions. Use the homestudy as a time to learn more about adopting and to prepare yourself to begin parenting.
7. Once your homestudy is completed and the final draft written and approved, you are ready to start being submitted for children. Your social worker will try to match you to possible children and you can also search on your own on the state and national photolistings.
8. Often it takes time to find a good match and to be chosen by a child's social worker as the right match for a specific child. Try to be patient as you wait and remember that finding the right child for your family is well worth the effort in the end.
Tags: social worker, your homestudy, your classes, your family, your home, your state