Groomers use their expertise to beautify dogs, cats, and other pets.
For pet lovers, the job of a pet groomer may be a dream career. The position lets individuals combine their love of animals with an expertise in bathing, styling, and caring for pets. If you're considering a career in grooming four-legged friends, getting a clear picture of salaries to expect will help you plan your future.
National Averages
Based on a survey of 214 pet groomers, a national average salary ranges from $19,934 to $36,088. The survey, conducted by PayScale, is accurate as of December 2010 and do not incorporate non-cash benefits such as medical insurance. It does, however, include commission income, which ranged from $1,000 to $24,000 per year for the survey's participants.
Getting into the grooming profession may mean working for a few years before achieving one's ideal salary. According to PayScale, groomers with one to four years experience earn between $20,168 and $31,697 per year. After five to nine years, the top end of this range grows to $35,820. After 10 to 19 years, groomers again see an increase in top average salary to $41,079.
Based on PayScale's findings, self-employed groomers earn the most, with top salaries around $45,600. For those employed by private companies, the top end of the salary range only stretches to around $36,000. Those working at animal hospital have salaries spanning from $17,200 to $30,000.
Taking pet grooming from a hobby to a career means considering not only financial compensation, but non-cash benefits as well. According to PayScale's results, only 28 percent of groomers receive medical benefits from their work. This number decreases to 20 percent and 15 percent when looking at dental and vision coverage, respectively.
Tags: According PayScale, non-cash benefits