Friday, 28 November 2014

Fun And Easy Baby Shower Games

Although the main activity at a baby shower is pampering the new mother with all sorts of gifts for her baby, guests also enjoy playing some baby-related games together. Choose games that are easy to set up and explain to guests and that allow guests to get some laughs as they play. Does this Spark an idea?


Quiz games require each guest to fill out answers on a sheet of paper containing a series of questions. Before the guests arrive, print out enough copies of the quiz so everybody gets one. For a baby animal quiz, list a few types of animals and ask guests to fill in the name for each baby. For example, a baby kangaroo is called a joey and a baby camel is a calf. For another type of quiz, scramble the names of baby items and challenge guests to unscramble them. For example, "faprieci" unscrambles to "pacifier."

Ongoing Games

As guests arrive, start a game that they can play throughout the duration of the baby shower. One option is to give each guest a safety pin and tell them that they cannot say "baby" during the baby shower. If somebody says "baby," the first person to point it out gets a safety pin from the offender. Whoever collects the most safety pins by the end of the baby shower wins. In another ongoing game, ask each guest to bring a baby photo. Post them in a central location and put a number by each one. At their leisure, guests should write down their guesses for who each baby is. At the end of the party, reveal the answers and give a prize to whoever has the most correct

Active Games

Get guests moving with active baby shower games. For one game, set up an obstacle course outdoors with cones and other objects to avoid. Give each guest a baby doll and a stroller and time how quickly they can strap the baby in the stroller and navigate the course. Add three seconds to the time for each obstacle they hit. In another active game, play charades with a variety of baby-related words on pieces of paper in a hat. Divide guests into two teams and give each person 30 seconds to get her team members to say the name of the item she drew from the hat.

Baby Food Games

For one game, test guests' sense of sight by having them guess the type of food smeared in each diaper. One version of the game uses baby foods, whereas the other uses melted candy bars. For another baby food game that may appeal more to squeamish guests, have guests close their eyes and taste a spoonful of baby food. Whoever guesses incorrectly is eliminated, and everybody else goes on to the next round. Use mixtures of foods for later rounds if guests are doing too well.

Tags: baby shower, each guest, baby food, each baby, game that