It is possible to purchase pet insurance for your dogs. This type of insurance can help cover the costs of large, unexpected veterinary bills, which can get very expensive. For example, according to Dr. Laura Greenlee-Johnson at All Creatures Animal Hospital in Del Mar, California, an average trip to a veterinary emergency room costs in excess of $1,500. Pet insurance will generally pays 80 to 90 percent of your veterinary bills depending on the specific terms and conditions of your pet insurance policy.
Dogs Get Ill
Just like people, dogs can develop debilitating long-term health conditions such as heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and psychological problems. Pet insurance can help finance the commonly underestimated cost of treating these and other medical conditions. According to PetPlan, about 77 percent of veterinarians think pet owners underestimate the cost of treatments for their dogs and 96 percent of these veterinarians recommend purchasing pet insurance for your dog.
Most pet insurances will refund veterinary costs associated with diagnostics, hospitalization, cancer and chemotherapy treatment and surgery. Moreover, many pet insurance policies also cover alternative and homeopathic therapies. Besides coverage for your sick or injured dog, many pet insurance policies will also cover the cost of boarding fees during hospitalization of the pet's owner. Additionally, pet insurance may also help cover the cost of rewards paid for the recovery of a lost dog and damage caused by your dog to another person's property.
Generally, it's very easy to use pet insurance. Most pet insurance policies allow you to use any veterinarian. Unlike many health insurance policies for people, pet insurance policies do not use a network of doctors. With pet insurance, you will generally pay for any required veterinary treatment out-of-pocket. After your dog receives treatment, you will mail or fax a claim form with the itemized invoice or receipt to your pet insurance provider. Generally, two or three weeks after receiving and approving your claim, the pet insurance company will mail you a check for any covered treatment.
Pet insurance cost varies by company, but you can generally expect to pay about $30 per month. However, the premium also varies based on the amount of coverage you elect to purchase, the breed and the age of your dog. Major medical dog insurance plans keeps your premiums low but have high deductibles. If you have multiple dogs, or if your dog is spayed or neutered, you can generally obtain discounts on your pet insurance policy.
Tags: insurance policies, your insurance, also cover, cover cost, help cover, insurance help