Healthy Great Pyrenees
The Great Pyrenees, also known as the Pyrenees Mountain Dog, has a beautiful white coat that is resistant in all weather. The coat is made of two layers, an elongated, flat, thick outer coat and a dense, wooly undercoat.
Health Management
A Great Pyrenees is prone to skin problems. Whether it's skin allergies, other irritations caused by fleas and their eggs, or dermatitis, it is important to be proactive in preventing these skin problems, according to Great Pyrenees Resource.
Dog Food
According to My Dog Breed, allergies to grains in low-cost commercial dog foods cause the development of serious breathing and skin problems over time in a Great Pyrenees.
Skin irritations, such as itching and hair loss, are also caused by fleas and their eggs. This condition can get out of control on a Great Pyrenees' body and lead to sores and infection, if not promptly treated. Available flea treatments through your veterinarian help prevent allergens to fleas and their eggs.
When temperatures get high, a Great Pyrenees is inclined to suffer from dermatitis, also known as hot spots. It is a confined area of itchy, inflamed and oozing dermatitis caused by the dog's intense licking and chewing at this spot..
According to Animal-World, hot climates should be avoided due to the skin problems that affect the Great Pyrenees breed. However, skin problems can be prevented with routine brushing and allowing the pet to stay indoors during hot weather.
Tags: Great Pyrenees, fleas their, fleas their eggs, skin problems, their eggs