Find the cause of your dog's anxious barking.
Excessive barking is generally caused by the dog feeling anxious and unfulfilled, and becoming neurotic as a result. To stop your dog from exhibiting skittish behavior and barking excessively, find and address the reason it is behaving this way, such as illness, lack of exercise or leadership, or separation anxiety.
1. Book an appointment with your local veterinarian so that your dog can have a full body checkup, as this will rule out any health problems that could be making the dog uncomfortable.
2. Take the dog for a walk every day to allow it to burn all its excess energy. Wait until the dog is in a calm state before you set off on the walk. Step out of the house before the dog and walk slightly in front of it, to communicate that you are the pack leader, as this can make an anxious dog feel more secure, according to dog psychologist Cesar Millan. Ensure that the dog always enters the house after all other family members. Correct the dog by giving a quick sideways tug on the leash if your dog begins to appear anxious or bark while you are walking.
3. Ignore anxious behavior in the home, but if the dog begins to bark excessively, give a correction, such as touching the dog quickly on the shoulder with your fingertips, as this will break the dog's concentration. Ensure that you act in a calm and assertive manner while giving the correction, otherwise your dog may not listen to you. Avoid shouting at the dog as it may think that you are simply joining in, and will therefore continue to bark. Do not attempt to soothe the dog when it is acting in a skittish manner or when it is barking, as this encourages the dog to practice the behavior because you appear to appreciate it.
4. Treat your dog for acting calmly and being totally relaxed by rewarding it with verbal praise, occasional food treats and by giving it a massage.
5. If your dog normally suffers from separation anxiety, ensure that the dog is in a relaxed state of mind before you leave it alone. Leave several toys for your dog to play with and chew while you are away, and exercise the dog just before you leave to tire it out and encourage it to sleep while you are out.
Tags: before leave, before walk, Ensure that, separation anxiety, this will, with your