Friday, 14 November 2014

Post Free Classified Ads Online

Posting ads online is a successful method of attracting attention to your ad.

Listing a classified advertisement on a popular website is a guaranteed method of having as many people as possible see the advertisement. In addition, many websites allow you to post a classified advertisement at no charge. However, posting an ad online may seem confusing. Luckily, most websites walk you through the steps necessary to complete your posting using clear and straightforward language.


1. Create the posting. Some websites require you to complete a posting form online, while others provide you with a blank space to write whatever you wish. Make sure to run a spellchecker on your ad to catch any misspellings.

2. Visit the website and select a category for the advertisement. Depending on the website, you can choose from a variety of categories. For example, on eBay Classifieds, if you are posting an ad for a puppy, you can select the dogs and puppies category under pets.

3. Preview the ad and make any necessary changes. This is your opportunity to double-check the ad to ensure all information is included and displayed correctly. If possible, have another set of eyes read the posting before you submit the ad to the website.

4. Submit the ad for publishing. Usually, the ad publishes within a few minutes. In addition, most websites allow you to update a posting after it is online.

Tags: classified advertisement, most websites, websites allow