Creating an HTML email template
An HTML email template can help add visual appeal to a plain text email and can also be more effective when it comes to advertising. There are a couple things to keep in mind, however, when creating an HTML template. Keep graphics to a minimum as too many graphics can cause an email to load very slowly. This can be a problem for users with a slow connection speed or those who have download quotas set by their Internet service providers. Be aware that hackers can embed Trojan horses and computer viruses into HTML emails much easier than in plain text emails.
1. Open your favorite HTML editing program, such as Dreamweaver or FrontPage. Click on the "New Page" option.
2. Create the layout for your template by adding text, tables and graphics to the new page. Click the "Save As" button and name your template.
3. Open your email management program, such as Outlook Express, and click "Create Mail." Choose the "Insert" option and click "Text from File." Scroll down to find the HTML template that you just created and click on it.
4. Fill in your email template with current information and send a test email to your own email address to make sure that the email template displays properly.
5. Click the "Save As" option in your email program and save the new email template that you just created. Open the template whenever you want to send an email using HTML.
Tags: email template, your email, Click Save, HTML email template, HTML template