Border collies are particularly prone to separation anxiety.
Separation anxiety affects 10 to 15 percent of the canine population, according to Reasons for separation anxiety range from past experiences of long term neglect and/or abandonment, resulting in psychological conditions similar to those experienced by humans, to merely the connection of an owner leaving with the prospect of boredom or a prolonged period of being housebound. Symptoms of separation anxiety include inappropriate urination, excessive barking, property destruction, excessive coat licking, appetite loss and inactivity.
Herbal Remedies
Herbal remedies containing chicory, columbine, honeysuckle, waratah and various other natural ingredients can be used to treat separation anxiety. These remedies typically come in ointment or liquid form and are applied to the skin or placed directly on the tongue. They may also be added to drinking water or bathwater. In addition to separation anxiety, chicory and honeysuckle are often used to treat depression and behavioral disorders not associated with separation.
Flower Essences
Aspen, impatiens, red chestnut and mimulus herbs are similarly used to treat canine anxiety, depression and behavior disorders. In addition to being applied to the skin, paws, ears, or directly to the tongue, ointments and liquids can be diluted without compromising active ingredients. Pet Essences' Anxiety/Fear Flower Essences is a common product containing these herbs. In order to dilute Pet Essences' herbs, add seven drops of the herbal liquid to a clean, 1 oz. bottle, fill it with water and shake well.
Ultra-Calm Biscuits
Doctors Foster & Smith Ultra-Calm biscuits combine valerian extract, chamomile and vitamin C into a chewable treat for canines. Dogs weighing 10 lbs. or less should be given one biscuit daily; dogs 10 to 20 lbs. should be given two biscuits daily; dogs weighing 20 to 45 lbs. may receive up to four biscuits per day; dogs 45 lbs. and more may receive up to eight biscuits daily. Ultra-Calm biscuits are often used in conjunction with Comfort Zone pheromone releaser.
Comfort Zone
The Comfort Zone plug-in has been shown to reduce destructive behavior, excessive barking and inappropriate urination in dogs with separation disorders. The pheromones released are similar to those released by the mother dog when the puppies are nursing. Comfort Zone has also been shown to reduce excessive licking, property destruction and situational anxiety not related to separation.
Rescue Remedy
Rescue Remedy, developed from a system discovered by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s, is one of the oldest and most effective natural treatments for anxiety in pets and people. In addition to separation anxiety, Rescue Remedy is used to treat depression and the effects of shock, trauma, abuse and neglect. Active ingredients include rock rose, impatiens, clematis and cherry plum extract.
Tags: Comfort Zone, separation anxiety, used treat, Rescue Remedy, addition separation, addition separation anxiety, applied skin