Craigslist relies on members of the community to flag advertisements that are inappropriate, posted in the incorrect category or contain illegal content. Advertisements posted in the free sections of Craigslist are removed automatically by the system if they are flagged by many users in a short time period. When posting an advertisement on Craigslist, follow the service's Acceptable Use policy closely to prevent flagging.
1. Select the category that most closely matches the item you are advertising. Avoid posting your advertisement in an incorrect category, even if you feel that it may generate more attention there. Offering a video game system in the "Cars" section, for example, will probably result in the advertisement being flagged for removal.
2. Avoid reposting your advertisement so frequently that Craigslist users view it as spam. In most geographical areas, a Craigslist post remains active for 45 days. Craigslist users searching for a particular item may check the website daily for new posts; users who see your advertisement every day may flag it for removal. When your advertisement drops off the first page in its category, users can still find it with keyword searches.
3. Avoid cross-posting your advertisement in several geographical sections of Craigslist simultaneously. Craigslist is designed to connect local sellers and buyers within cities and metropolitan areas. If you post the same advertisement in every city or region of your state simultaneously, Craigslist users may flag it.
4. Avoid including illegal or objectionable content in your Craigslist ad. Craigslist strictly forbids pornography, copyright infringement, hateful, racist and discriminatory content and attempts to embed computer viruses in advertisements. Any violation of these policies will subject your advertisement to flagging and may result in further legal action.
Tags: your advertisement, Craigslist users, advertisement every, incorrect category, sections Craigslist