Listing your vehicle on craigslist is free.
Craigslist is an online classified posting site. It is very economical because it costs absolutely nothing to post on the website, or view items that have been posted. If you are looking to sell your truck, craigslist will let you post a classified ad for free whether your vehicle sells or not. The advertisement that you place on craigslist for your vehicle will be viewable to those who are viewing the website most relevant to your city, so there is a good chance that you can sell it locally.
1. Take several pictures of the interior and exterior of the truck you are selling and save them to your computer. You will need these photos later. This step is optional, but having pictures posted of your truck may help it sell faster.
2. Visit Click on the location closest to you. Your ad will appear for viewers who are in this area.
3. Click the Post to Classifieds link. Choose the For Sale option. Make sure to read all warnings while posting your truck.
4. Choose the Cars & Trucks link. If you are an auto dealer, select Cars & Trucks by dealer; if you individual, choose Cars & Trucks by owner.
5. Fill out the posting form. Try to use a catchy title that includes the year, make, model, and color of your truck. Choose a reasonable price. and list the location of the vehicle. Be sure to include the mileage in your vehicle description, and any problems the vehicle may have. Also include any upgrades the car may have (e.g. new tires).
6. Click the add images button. Upload pictures of the truck if you so choose.
7. Choose to continue once you have filled out all of the information. A confirmation email will be sent to your given email address that will allow you to edit, post, and delete your ad. Make sure that you check this email, and actually post your ad to the craigslist website.
Tags: your truck, your vehicle, Cars Trucks, Make sure, truck Choose, your truck Choose