Whether you are advertising something for sale, a service you provide, or a job position you wish to offer, placing an ad on Craigslist is one of the easiest methods of getting your message out there. As an online resource, Craigslist is simply a large database of classified ads, categorized by subject, country, state and area. It is relatively easy to use, as well as relatively easy to post ads to.
1. Go to the Craigslist website. There you will see all of the areas available to post in, and all of the topics. Choose the area and topic that best suits your needs. Topics range from jobs to personal services to professional services to personal ads and more.
2. Set up a Craigslist account. In order to post, you must have a Craigslist account. To do this, click on the "Post to Classifieds" link on the left-hand side of the page related to whichever state or town you are looking to post to.
3. Click on the "Apply for Account" link in the top right corner of the page. Follow the directions on the subsequent pages. At some point, you will be sent a confirmation link to your email address. Click on this link and confirm your account. Return to the "Post to Classifieds" page once you have confirmed and logged in.
4. Click on the link from the list titled "What type of posting is this?" Click on the most appropriate topic to your needs. Make sure you are posting in the right geographical area. For some postings, such as jobs offered, there is a fee for posting. This is to discourage fraudulent posters and spam. If this is the topic you wish to post to, you will have to pay the fee, which is usually $25 for some areas.
5. Fill in th blanks, including the title of your ad, the body of your ad, and how you wish to receive replies. There is an option to receive them anonymously through Craigslist's own message system, through your own email address, or by placing a contact number on the ad.
6. Decide whether to allow other posters to contact you with other interests, business, promotions etc. If you don't want to be exposed to a lot of spam or unrelated offers, it is best to switch these options off.
7. Post ad by clicking on the button. The ad can be edited later if desired. Craigslist ads are usually deleted after 45 days, and are placed according to the date. If you wish to have the ad running for a period of time, it is wise to repost the ad at regular intervals to maintain visibility.
Tags: Craigslist account, email address, Post Classifieds, relatively easy, your email, your email address